Brett Jorgensen
"Ever since I was a teenager and my dad let me use his old Nikon F with a 50mm lens I have been hooked on photography. My passion has always been to capture the magic and majesty and beauty of any animals and landscapes that come into my view. I especially enjoy capturing animals in motion, doing the things they do. I got a lot of practice as a sport and portrait photographer for many years. My favorite was photographing people on boats in the Grand Canyon, because I had plenty of time in between to photograph animals and the Grand Canyon.
"Southern Utah is one of the most beautiful places on earth, it's one of my favorite places to be. Every day of my life I wake up to another beautiful day, tirelessly in search of one more animal or mountain, or lake or stream or sky that I can share with you and you too will enjoy the beauty and wonder of this incredible earth we live on."
Brett's Story
"I've been a photographer all of my life and owned my own photography business in the St. George area in the past. Now I travel the country inspecting roofs, with plenty of time in between appointments to take photos of wildlife. I've spent countless hours dirt biking, hiking and kayaking and it never gets old, observing and recording the animals I encounter in my adventures."